February 28 2023 



Hi, I am E.Sushma sahithi, 3rd BDS student. This is an online eblog book to discuss our patients health data taking after his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.

                   CASE HISTORY

Patient details:
A 60 years old male ,resident of kristapuram works as a daily labour presented with 
chief complaint : 
shortness of breath since 7 days 
decrease in urine output since 7 days 
pedel edema upto knee since 7 days 
History of present illness: 
Patient was apparently asymptomatic and 7 days ago he developed shortness of breath i.e, grade 2 , pedel edema upto knee which is pitting type and decrease in urine output .
History of past illness: 
From 8 years he's been on medication for edema and shortness of breath .
     Hypertension is present
     No diabetes
Family history:
None of their family members suffered with such problems
no hypertension
no diabetes
Personal history:
He is a labour and married. He goes to work everyday but since 7 days he noticed shortness of breath, pedel edema because of which he couldn't walk for more than 2 minutes .

Lose of appetite
Diet : mixed 
Sleep.          : normal
Bowels        : normal 
Micturation : decrease in urine output 
Addictions  : He used to smoke Indian cigarettes 2 per day in his 30s- 50s but stopped 4 years ago .

General examination:
Thin built/ thin nourished 
pallor- no
Icterus- no 
cyanosis - no
clubbing -  yes
Jaundice- no
Edema - yes 
Lymphoedenopathy - no  
Temperature - afebrile 
Vitals : 
Temperature - afebrile 
B.P - 150/90 mm/hg 
pulse rate - 68

Provisional diagnosis: 
 kidney failure 
Investigations : 
Definitive diagnosis: 
Chronic kidney failure 
How come shortness of breath is related to renal diseases ? Is it curable ?

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